1. Energy And Environment
2. Food And Agriculture
3. Health And Medicine
4. Materials and Technology
Energy is a by-product of many chemical processes, and havedeveloped a compound, such as States, as well as energy demand increases in developing countries such as China, chemists strivingto find new sources of energy. Currently, the main energy source,fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas). Given today's consumptionrates, reserves of these fuels will continue to be estimated 50-100 years urgently requires us to find alternative sources.
2. Food And Agriculture
3. Health And Medicine
4. Materials and Technology
Energy is a by-product of many chemical processes, and havedeveloped a compound, such as States, as well as energy demand increases in developing countries such as China, chemists strivingto find new sources of energy. Currently, the main energy source,fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas). Given today's consumptionrates, reserves of these fuels will continue to be estimated 50-100 years urgently requires us to find alternative sources.
Solar energy as the source of the future is promising. Each year, all known coal, oil, natural gas and uranium reserves, the sum is 10 times more energy with solar rays come from the surface of Earth.But it reflects the rays back to a part, a large portion of energy from"waste" goes. As a result of intense research in the last thirty years,solar energy can benefit in two ways shown as active. First, the translation of fotovoltatik cells with the help of sunlight directly to electricity. Secondly, the use of sunlight in generating hydrogen from water. This can feed hydrogen to generate electricity in a fuel cell.Solar energy to electrical energy to translate scientific progress inour understanding of the process, even though the technologycurrently can accept power in this way is not sufficient to producecost-effective and large scale. By 2050, more than 50 percent of the energy of our needs from the sun is envisaged will be provided.
Another potential source of nuclear energy fizyondur, but fear the damage to the environment of radioactive waste will be in the process of fission nuclear compound States
There is uncertainty about the future of energy. Chemists can help resolve nuclear waste by bringing better solutions. The sun andother stars in the process of spontaneous nuclear fission, removinglarge amounts of energy produces dangerous radioactive waste.The other in the next 50 years, nuclear fızyonun likely to be an important source of energy.
There is uncertainty about the future of energy. Chemists can help resolve nuclear waste by bringing better solutions. The sun andother stars in the process of spontaneous nuclear fission, removinglarge amounts of energy produces dangerous radioactive waste.The other in the next 50 years, nuclear fızyonun likely to be an important source of energy.
Energy production and consumption is very closely linked with the quality of our environment. The most significant disadvantage ofburning fossil fuels that cause greenhouse effect to the environment (leading to heating of the atmosphere) with carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that cause acid rain and smoke to give, (these types of harmful effects on the environment,there is exploitation of solar energy.). Fuel-efficient cars and usingmore efficient catalytic converters can significantly reduce harmful gases emitted otolardan environment, we improve air quality inhigh traffic areas. In addition, durable and long-lasting battery-powered electric cars in the next century, is widely used to minimize air pollution.
Food and Agriculture
How to feed a rapidly increasing population of the world? Labor force in agricultural activities in poor countries by 80 percentpercent, and covers half of the family budget is spent for food intake. This is a very large portion of society's resources are used.The richness of the soil, the product of insect pests, weeds, crop diseases and factors that affect agricultural products. Farmers toincrease crop yields as well as irrigation, fertilizer and agriculturalconservation benefits from medicines. 1950 for the damagedgoods from the breeding of insects, chemicals are usedindiscriminately. There are serious disadvantages of these measures on the environment. Excessive use of fertilizers in thesoil, air and water, there are harmful effects.
Food and Agriculture
How to feed a rapidly increasing population of the world? Labor force in agricultural activities in poor countries by 80 percentpercent, and covers half of the family budget is spent for food intake. This is a very large portion of society's resources are used.The richness of the soil, the product of insect pests, weeds, crop diseases and factors that affect agricultural products. Farmers toincrease crop yields as well as irrigation, fertilizer and agriculturalconservation benefits from medicines. 1950 for the damagedgoods from the breeding of insects, chemicals are usedindiscriminately. There are serious disadvantages of these measures on the environment. Excessive use of fertilizers in thesoil, air and water, there are harmful effects.
21. century to meet the needs of food, farming was decided a new approach. With biotechnology-will know more and better products shown yetiştirile. These techniques outside the year on the basis of improving the efficiency of the product in order to improve the frequency of product can be applied to different products. For example, a specific protein produced by a bacterium known to be toxic to set up sheets. Kodlayacak this toxin gene to plants in a given, without the need for disinfectants will provide protection for the plant itself. Researchers also have found a way to prevent the growth of plant insect pests. Specific types of molecules called pheromones insects spreading and communicates through the molecule to react. By identifying and synthesizing agent with time used by the mating pheromones, for example, be the cause of the early breed with sterile males or females for mating insects such as the means of deceiving, the normal reproductive cycle of insects is possible to intervene. In addition, less environmentally harmful fertilizer and weed killer chemists substance must find ways to increase production.
Health and Medicine
This century's protection for the treatment of disease and illness are the three important developments. They are a large number of infections diseases to protect human health protection systems established to control public health, anesthesia, surgery and do, such as the deadly explosion of cases is to treat appendicitis, and it is for the doctors and the prevention of diseases spread by germs that make possible the use of antibiotics and vaccines.Gene therapy in medicine is the fourth revolution. (Gene the basic unit of living things are inherited), cystic fibrosis and hemophilia is known that damage to a few thousand cases moved to the birth of a single gene. Cancer, heart disease, AIDS and many other diseases such as arthritis in one or more genes in the protection of the body is the result of corruption. Cell gene therapy in the treatment of selected patients to a healthy gene or disease is to reduce. Such a method to apply the knowledge of a physician must have a reliable molecular properties of chemical compounds.
Health and Medicine
This century's protection for the treatment of disease and illness are the three important developments. They are a large number of infections diseases to protect human health protection systems established to control public health, anesthesia, surgery and do, such as the deadly explosion of cases is to treat appendicitis, and it is for the doctors and the prevention of diseases spread by germs that make possible the use of antibiotics and vaccines.Gene therapy in medicine is the fourth revolution. (Gene the basic unit of living things are inherited), cystic fibrosis and hemophilia is known that damage to a few thousand cases moved to the birth of a single gene. Cancer, heart disease, AIDS and many other diseases such as arthritis in one or more genes in the protection of the body is the result of corruption. Cell gene therapy in the treatment of selected patients to a healthy gene or disease is to reduce. Such a method to apply the knowledge of a physician must have a reliable molecular properties of chemical compounds.
Chemists in the pharmaceutical industry, in the treatment of cancer,AIDS or other diseases without side effects, or very little with thepowerful drugs at the same time investing in any of the drugsnecessary for an increasing number of successful organ transplants.Made to understand the mechanism of aging on a wide scaledevelopments will lead us to live a more healthy for the world's population.
Materials and Technology
Chemical research and developments in the twentieth century, andnumerous areas to improve the extraordinary quality of life that helpsthe advancement of technology has provided new material to be found. Examples of these substances, polymers (including rubberand nylon), ceramics (cooking utensils), liquid crystals (used inelectronic pointers), adhesives (used post-it papers) and coatings(eg latex paint) can be given.
Materials and Technology
Chemical research and developments in the twentieth century, andnumerous areas to improve the extraordinary quality of life that helpsthe advancement of technology has provided new material to be found. Examples of these substances, polymers (including rubberand nylon), ceramics (cooking utensils), liquid crystals (used inelectronic pointers), adhesives (used post-it papers) and coatings(eg latex paint) can be given.
What we have for the near future? One of them, may be at room temperature superconductors. Electrical conductivity of copperwires carried the imperfect. The house is a result of power plant andelectrical energy to 20% is lost as heat. This is a great loss.Superconductors are materials that transmit electrical resistance is not lossless, and therefore energy. Very low temperatures (400 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing point of water) for 80 years, despite his known super-conductivity, in the middle of 1980s a great invention at room temperature have shown the possibility of the presence of super-conductive materials. Chemists in this research is promising, showing that the design and synthesis of newmaterials have helped. High-temperature super-conductors of the next 30 years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), air trains, andnuclear fission will be seen as a broad range of applications.
Computers are more affected than others, technological progressin our lives. The ongoing computer revolution, the "motor"mikroişlemcilerdir, very thin piece of silicon (chip), laptopcomputers, fax machines and has inspired countless inventions.Performance of the microprocessor, such as the collection is valued by the speed of math operations yürütmedeki. Promotionssince the first microprocessors, the speeds in half every 18 monthskatlamışlardır. At this rate, a desktop computer in 2030, 1998,California, Silicon Valley, all computers will have total power. Anymicrocontroller's quality, the purity of the silicon chip is capable of, and requested the support for adding other substances. Chemistshave an important role in research and development of siliconchips. Scientists, for the future of silicone molecules will take place"molecular computing" from the research began. The advantages of this, certain molecules can be made to respond to light instead of electrons, and thus the location of electronic computers is thatoptical computers. With genetic engineering, scientists usingmicro-organisms can synthesize these molecules rather than large factories. Electronic computers, optical computers, as well asmore storage capacity.
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